Monday, December 10, 2012

It's the FINAL Countdown!!!

This semester is coming to a close. I wish I could say that I'm sad, but then I would be lying. Let's all take a moment to appreciate the fact that after Friday we won't have to think about school again until January. Now, that is beautiful. Until then I wish everyone luck on their finals!
                                      -Love Always (and you know you do), Felicia.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Mehhh. . . or, *Loud Internal Scream*

So. . .back from my forever long hiatus from the blog.  Things were kind of crazy with school (such is life for an ELED major in Level II. . .) and this became part of the long list of things I meant to do/wanted to do but never did.  
Anyhow. . .the real purpose of this post:  
Felicia and Andrea (and this other random girl at LDSSA. . .) had this *brilliant* idea yesterday afternoon; they decided that I should ask to the institute dance, the one that's tomorrow (apparently they don't believe in having these ideas farther in advance.  Maybe they didn't want to give me time to think too deeply. . .because then I'd realize how crazy the whole idea is?).  And. . .I listened.  So, now I have a date to the institute dance tomorrow night, and I'm scared. to. flippin'. death.  And I have a final for the hardest class I've ever had to do over this weekend, and a 100-point assignment due tomorrow.  Dying inside?  Yes.  Dying outside? Maybe not yet. . .
Wondering whether FCHD 2600 or my date will cause my ultimate demise, 

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Long Days... Holidays

This last week as you all know was Thanksgiving week!!! A time filled with family, friends, turkey, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie . . . Mine was filled with family and mashed potatoes, of course and wisdom teeth, puppy, shopping, sore throats, nursing, fever, work, studying, sleep, more work, being pulled over, pizza and cupcakes . . .
My long weekend turned into thing after thing that piled on top of everything else . . . And I might of had a panic attack . . . just a small one you know, a few minutes of outright sobbing, can't catch your breath...
Andrea and Felicia have been writing on the calender everyday for what they're thankful for, and earlier I had such a hard time finding something to be thankful for.
But I have so much to be thankful for . . .
Loving family
Kind friends
Amazing coworkers
My bed
Pillows that smell like home
My car (not working brake light and all)
Warm blankets
Clean clothes
Good movies
Mashed potatoes
Fuzzy socks . . .
I hope you all get the picture.

Anyway I hope that all of you had an amazing Thanksgiving, surrounded by family and that you are all at least ten pounds heavier than you were on Monday.

                                          Thankful for life,

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Lisa Frank is not the Name of a Woman

Disclaimer: I did not write this, but it was so funny that I had to share it.
"Lisa Frank is not the name of a woman, it is the name of a movement, a culture, a way of living. It is a theory, a concept, a belief in something greater than yourself. It is the belief that all girls are entitled to dolphins covered with rainbows, jewel-encrusted frogs, and unicorns in acid-trip colors hugging each other. It is the ideology that no notebook is complete until it literally hurts your eyes to look at from so much color saturation. It is the hope that no school supply, no matter how insignificant, will be left un-bedazzled. It is the knowledge that your eraser cap, and that of your granddaughter’s, and her granddaughter’s after her, will not be some boring little nub–it will be a diamond covered with butterflies in a rainbow of colors. It is the dream of a better tomorrow."
                                 Still laughing, Felicia.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

How's School?

So, how is school going? Dumbest question ever. There are really only two answers to it, and most people find one not as acceptable as the other. So I can say, good, which is boring but expected or I could say, bad, which is not so boring but also very unexpected and causes unwanted concern and questions. So, then why do people ask me this stupid question? You know what I'm going to say, even if I am lying. Goodness humans, use your thinking skills. This is why I have concluded that the next time someone asks me this question I'm going to respond "Oh, ya know I was first attacked by a pack of angry wolves at the beginning of the semester and things just went down hill from there, which leads me to last weekend, I may or may not have launched a torpedo at the University, so I guess my follow up question is, 'What school?'"
                                 -Planning a Detonation, Felicia.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

It's Not Everyday that the Neighbors are Being Killed, Or is it?

We are "to love and care for our neighbors as our selves." Or so says Russell M. Ballard, but I'm not willing to argue with him, unless you are? However, I'm feeling a little uneasy about the way our neighbors seem to express their love. You see, at least (I say at least very VERY loosely) once a week murderous cries can be heard from through the walls. I have come up with three possible reasons for this. 1. The neighbors have adopted a cow and they haven't learned how to properly milk it and therefore cause her great pain every night or so. 2. There are ghosts in our walls who find it entertaining to relive their gruesome murders while we try to sleep. or 3. (the seemingly most realistic one, although the cow one is pretty good too) Our neighbors express their love in a way in which causes them to scream out in agonizing horrific pain. No, but really if you heard you would wonder if there was a cow over there too. 

                          -Still holding out that there is a cow, Felicia.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Attractive Home Teacher and Other Such Adventures

     I figured it's been awhile since anyone has posted anything up, since there was nothing new for October. So, I decided I should put something here, although, I seem to be the only one left keeping the blog alive. Sigh. Oh well.
     So life has been busy as far as know. Of course I can only speak for myself. My friends (cough) got married last week. Beautiful reception for beautiful people. It was great, and I'm so glad I got to be a small part of their happy day. However, the giant poster-size picture of my favorite missionary did make me laugh, but the idea that his mother had of me taking it home made me laugh even more. Sure, I love that boy more than any other but I don't really think I need to express that love by hanging his enormous face in my bedroom (not that I don't love his face). Ya, not such a great idea. And I think Kaitlin would agree with me.
     We have new home teachers. We will leave their names anonymous and call them TMNT man and attractive one. The names seem fitting seeing as one of them is dang attractive and when I first met the other he was wearing a TMNT shirt. *Note to prospective boyfriends: DO NOT wear a TMNT shirt EVER. They were made for 12 year olds and costume parties, no matter how many different sizes they come in. Anywho, the attractive one is, well, attractive. AND he is in my institute class, which I am apparently oblivious because he has obviously  been in there all year and just noticed this week. Ya, a little ridiculous, but that's okay. And he is just so cute! I mean way way adorable. Sigh. I will get over this. But maybe after a little bit of good ol' facebook stalking?
     Oh! There was an institute dance this week. Super fun as always! AND more attractive boys. Oh, don't they make the world go round? Plus I got to dance with two very nice young gentleman who both very well knew how to dance. And can I say nothing makes a girl swoon more than a guy who can make her feel like a princess by waltzing. I'm not sure there is a more attractive dance out there. And I got to Cha-Cha. Although, I'm thinking that dance was more fun for Jane and Andrea to watch then it was for me to do (I'm not very good at the Cha-Cha). However, the guy that asked me to dance was in my ballroom class last year and a very patient man. He probably regrets asking me though haha, but I still had fun and I'm glad he did.
     Andrea and I have made it our goal to go to the temple every Wednesday. We haven't been doing totally awesome with this goal, but we've been doing alright. So, this last Wednesday like usual Andrea comes in to wake me up to go to the temple at 7 A.M. (I know early). Except she decides she is tired and lies down beside me mumbling something about cuddling with me. Meh, whatever, trust me not the strangest thing she has ever done, but definitely something worth sharing with the rest of you. Oh, and don't worry, we did get up and go to the temple. : )
     Anywho, I believe that is all you need to know to be up to date on everything college for me. At least all the things worth knowing. Thanks for expanding your attention span to the size of this post, I appreciate the effort. : )
                     -totally facebook stalking him right now, Felicia.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Say Hello to Arnie

This lovely specimen is what I came home to this afternoon. Ordinarily I would not name a spider, because, well, they are evil, but Arnie here is trapped in a cup and I felt bad for him. He is looking at the death penalty and I'm sure the anxiety of when his punishment will be carried out is just terrible. Poor Arnie. Rest in Peace, whenever you finally die.
                                      -Still Grossed out by Arnie, Felicia.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Most Adorable Baby Goats!

Aren't they just adorable! They were on campus today. I was so excited! I got to pet a baby goat and see them and pet them. And I love those little goats. I really really want one. And I'm going to have one someday. Because they are adorable. And I love them. The black one is Romeo and the white one is Juliet. No, I don't know if they are boys or girls. But that is okay. They are soooooo cute!!!
                                                                      -Still Awwwing, Felicia.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Mawiage Mawiage Is Vat Bwings Us Togever Today

Or rather the engagement pictures of one very cute couple. Is it sad that I'm a little freaked out that it only took them a month to get engaged? That's not hereditary is it? Because I don't know if I'm going to be ready for engagement in a year and three months. Or ever. Marriage is scary. Am I the only one who thinks this? It's not that I won't totally love the person. Because I'm sure I will. But it's a little intimidating to think that I'm even close to old enough to be married. I can remember walking into Millcreek Junior High my first day of seventh grade and all the butterflies I had. When I think of myself I still think of that socially awkward little twelve year old girl. I don't think of a grown old enough to pop out kids adult. I just want to be twelve again and not have to worry about these things! Sigh. No one understands how this feels and they all make fun of me. But this has stressed me out for a few months and seeing those so totally adorable pictures of one of the cutest couples I know kind of just cemented it into my brain. I am not a little girl. I am an adult who makes adult decisions. And someday one of those decisions will be whom to marry and when and where. And though I am very excited for that day I am a little freaked out about it. And you know that is okay. I've decided that it is alright to be scared and nervous to get married. And I might be scared and nervous up until the day I get married, maybe even after. But as long as I know it's the right decision it won't matter, because love is scary. Eternity is a long time and maybe if I wasn't scared to make that decision I wouldn't be so set on making sure it was the right one. So I can be freaked out, and you can all make fun of me for it, and that's okay.
                                                 -Still screaming inside, Felicia.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Week One: Surviving the Freshmen

   I have discovered that not being a freshmen is delightful for multiple reasons. Would you like to know those reasons? Well, you don't have a choice I'm going to tell you anyways. :)

Reason One: The Look. 
   You all know it, even if you don't realize you do. You're sitting in class or on the bus or at an FHE and a really cute boy comes up and starts talking to you. Hallelujah! You're thinking great this boy has taken interest in me, hopefully he thinks I'm cute. He's kind of trying to get to know you and you are talking not really caring what he's saying. I mean come on he could be from Timbuktu and own an African Alligator and it wouldn't really matter at this point. Suddenly he asks "So, What year are you?", and you reply honestly like the good girl you are "Freshmen". There's the look. See it there? On his face? Ya, he is now thinking "oh, well you were cute, but not that cute". I HATE that look. At least now the word Freshmen will never be used to describe me EVER again. That feels good.

Reason Two: Lost on Campus.
   Last year I woke up three hours before my first class. Since my first class was at nine in the morning this did not please me much. The funny thing is I didn't wake up that early to get ready I woke up that early because I needed to be on campus two hours early to find my class. Yes people, two hours. Call me a nerd but I hate being lost, A LOT. This year I took one look at my schedule and knew where almost every class was. The ones I didn't know about I knew buildings that were by them so I had a map in my head of where to go. You can tell which students were Freshmen on Monday because they were the ones actually carrying a physical map of campus around. Nothing shouts Freshmen more than that map. Boy am I glad to be rid of it. 

Reason Three: The Stupid Things.
   I sit on the bus reading my social work book, yes I did finally get it, and wait for the dozens of students (all clearly Freshmen) to pile on. We all know the buses can get crowded and that you need to move back, lay your backpack on the floor, get to know the person in front of you way more than would please you, etc. Unfortunately Freshmen apparently don't cover this in orientation. Oh, you idiots. It is incredibly obnoxious that I had to wait an extra five minutes just so the bus driver could all yell at you for something that really should have just occurred to you through common sense. Freshmen. Ugh.

   In Conclusion, I would like to clarify. Yes, I sound harsh and I realize I did all of these things. In fact, I was an extremely obnoxious Freshmen I am sure. And I feel for all the little confused, boggle eyed Freshmen on campus. But man am I sure glad it's you and not me. :) Good Luck Freshmen! Just wait, it only gets better from here!
                          -Pleased to be One Year Older, Felicia.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

First Week Back

So we're all back together for school and such. It's really strange being on campus as a sophomore and there are some strange things that I noticed.
Campus is almost crowded there are so many people, I was in the library and my normally quiet empty study area was full and slightly annoyingly loud. So I found a chair to sit in put my headphones in and promptly fell asleep. When I awoke like 20 minutes later there was this girl who was sitting across from me just staring at me, she kinda freaked me out, watching me sleep like some female version of Edward Cullen . . . Freaky!!!
But all in all I'm pretty excited to be back no more lounging around doing practically nothing.
                         So long and thanks for all the fish

Monday, July 9, 2012

"What's in a name?"

Specifically, the name John.  About a month ago, I had a dream in which a certain individual from my recent past bearing the name in discussion informed a friend of mine that while I wasn't dating anyone now, that I would be dating him in the fall.  Naturally, this kind of creeped me out.  A lot.  With this dream in the forefront of my mind, I ended up thinking about all the people named John (not J-o-n, that "h" does make a difference) that I know.  After thinking through various Johns of my acquaintance -- from the obnoxious redhead in elementary school who drove me absolutely crazy for years to my mom's stepbrother (who apparently doesn't like us enough to condescend to talk to us on the rare occasions when family functions are a mix of Morrils and Agrens) to the John I encountered in institute during the most recent year of school -- I concluded that people named John and people named Korbie did not mix. 
This verdict seemed a little harsh, however, so I decided to look to characters called John in various books and movies.  Having recently finished watching Little Dorrit (which, obnoxiously, was horribly horribly scratched all through the climax. . .don't laugh, it was too tragic) didn't particularly help my opinion of people named John.  In fact, the character John Chivery probably scared me more than Rigaud did for a few episodes (he reminded me far too much of John-from-my-institute-class. . .), simply because the I have a John Chivery equivalent in my life.  There were many other characters named John that further perpetuated the stereotype -- mad King John of Robin Hood fame in My Unfair Godmother, John Willoughby and John Dashwood of Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility, John Yates in Mansfield Park, John Thorpe of Northanger Abbey, and John Wattlesbrook in Austenland and Midnight in Austenland.   I had completely given up on ever being able to meet anyone named John without pre-judgment, but then. . .then I watched North and South with Melanie, and remembered that Mr. Thornton's name first name is John. And while I likely would not marry the modern-day equivalent of John Thornton, I do like and respect the character a great deal.  So, to all the Johns out there in the world -- y'all owe a big thank you to Mrs. Gaskell, just saying. 
           Grateful for this distraction this provided from post-wisdom teeth removal pain,
                                               -- Allerednic Jane

Friday, June 15, 2012

The Most Random Life Updates

So we really are absolutely terrible at updating this blog . . . but it's still kinda fun to go vent to the internet when you are bored. Teehee ;) Don't worry I'm not going to vent . . . well maybe just a teeny bit. So the last little while has been significantly insignificant really. I conquered my fear of water this month. Woot! It only took 19 years. This occurance was the result of two things. 1. The cute boys from across the street dragging me into a pool and me not wanting to look like an idiot who thinks she is allergic to water. 2. Wake boarding at Lake Mead with my favorite family, The Murri's :). They do have a talent of making me do things that bring me out of my comfort zone. Speaking of wake boarding. I now have a ginormous bruise on my arm that people can't seem to stop poking. It's a really nasty looking bruise that's about the size of a softball. I got it from wake boarding. But, if anybody asks I'm in a gang and got in a bad rumble ;). This last week our toilet seat broke. Really random right? Well I did promise randomness. Not sure how it broke but it did. Like it cracked all the way through. No fat jokes please. Haha. Andrea got a new job which is super exciting for her. Sad for me, I'm not gonna have a friend at work for a whole month. :(. But I'm super happy for her. Kaitlin started school, it's kinda weird not having her around during the day. Especially since Andrea and I go to work shortly after she gets home so we really only see her at night. I have a feeling this summer is going to last forever. Last month, May, seemed to go on forever. I'm hoping that it goes fast but I doubt it will. I got into English 2010!! Which is like a miracle because it is the most desired class, I swear. Dylan left for his mission. For that matter everyone is leaving for their missions haha. Our old room mate from 402 is getting married tomorrow. I don't think any of us are attending the reception haha. But good for her and I wish them both luck. I really like our new ward, of course I can't speak for Andrea, but I think it's fun. Well, today is friday and that means the week is already looking up! That's life right now, I hope you enjoyed the dullness we brought to yours ;).
                                                    - Love Always, Felicia.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Well, I have officially moved in. Well actually I moved in a few weeks ago . . . but thats besides the point. In case you are all wondering, we have found the solution to our boring white walls. We started a quote wall. It is pretty sad at the moment but as we are always saying odd or funny things I am pretty sure it will become pretty impressive. On another note I think there is something wrong with Felicia and I. The other night we were watching a movie you know just enjoying the night when our door opens and two boys step in. Do we know these boys? No. Well not as far as we know because they are completely covered in black body suits that are over their faces. Do they say anything? No. They just come in and sit down and start watching for a few minuts. Do we do anything about this? Yes, We just laugh. Somehow I don't think this is the proper reaction when two strange men walk into our apartment. It's a college town, that makes it all better right?
Not sure whether to keep laughing or call 911

Sunday, May 6, 2012

New Apartment

Alright so this will be mine and Felicia's second night in our new place, Andrea will be joining us in a week and Jane in the fall.
It's kind of strange, the first week at Apt. 402 felt like living in a hotel, lots of stairs and card keys. Living here kind of feels like someone else's house. But we'll get used to it . . .
Not the same without Andrea but the week will pass quickly enough. And of course we will miss Jane, but Summer tends to pass quickly, soon we'll all be roommates again.
I think I'm going to miss the beige walls of Apt. 402, white is a little too bland for the girls for Apt. 402 . . . although beige is bland too just not as much as white . . . Oh well.
I think it's time to wake Felicia from her nap.
                                                                                                                            ~ Kaitlin

Pictures from Prom

                                                             I gave up on trying to organize them. . . just so you know.



Jane and Me :)

Krystal  :)

Feeling a Little Out of Place...

Just so you know. . .This is going to be really scattered . . .
So . . . I am feeling a little out of place in more ways than one! I am home and it is super nice but really weird, and yesterday I felt more than a little out of place as I went to Prom . . . Prom is for high schoolers not people who have just finished their first year of college! It was actually surprisingly fun. I knew a lot of the people who were in my group and Dinner was really fun. . . except the fact that they fed us steak . . . Steak is gross. Everybody made fun of my facial expressions. Felicia I think you would like those people. They made fun of me just like you do. Before the Dance we had our day activity with a different group who I didn't really know anybody except Ty . . . and he is one of the people who I was not sad that I would never see again when I graduated last year. His poor date was so sweet thought. She was like He is a good guy . . . I just need to work on my patience. She is a saint. I wouldn't have been able to do that.
After the Day activity Krystal and Melanie and Jane came over to help me get ready. Jane arrived just in time. I was trying to put my dress on and I couldn't zip it up when Jane came right in time to zip me up and watch me do my makeup before Krystal got there to do my  hair. She is a genius with hair! Melanie and I had tried to curl my super short hair before and it didn't work. But Krystal did it and she brought a pretty crown thing. I felt like a princess in my Dress (Lavender Ice) and my hair curly and with a tiara!
Finding that Dress was a miracle too though! I moved home on Friday and I tried on my old Prom Dress and well lets just say there is more of me to love now than there was for my Jr. year prom so I had to go on a massive hunt for a dress to wear. I texted everybody and Krystal gave me the idea that I could go to the dress garden they might have something I could wear for the night. So I asked Jane to go with me to try on dresses . . . my dad offered to go but . . . yeah I don't think he would have been much help trying on dresses . . . yeah. Anyways Jane and I went to the Dress Garden and the ladies there were super good about helping me and stuff. We found a dress that was able to be poofed out a little and I borrowed some platform high heels that made me about as tall as Jane . . . it was weird to be able to look her in the eyes. We got some jewelry and we were done in about an hour! It was kinda fun to be able to try on pretty dresses again. And the lady there told me how un high strung we were compared to the brides taht she makes wedding dresses for and Jane and I had to laugh about how it was more likely that we would be one of those brides that it was that we would need a regular prom dress ever again.
The dance itself was super weird and awkward. NOBODY DANCES!!!!!!! I kept on thinking . . . I need Felicia! She would dance with me. :( Felicia wasn't there and it was really sad. I miss her. . . and Kaitlin . . . but yeah and I ran into this one girl who is really obnoxious and asked me if I was still dating Bentley, while I was on a date with somebody else . . . someone needs to teach her how to be more tactful. Overall it was pretty fun but I am never doing anything like that ever again. I will stick to college dances . . . at the institute . . . with music that is not bad . . . and Felicia, Kaitlin, and Jane. They are such great roommates and I am so glad that I have been able to get to know them. Echoing a post from Felicia I feel like I've know Kaitlin and Felicia for forever and really it hasn't been that long at all. Thanks for a great year guys! I love you all!
      Never going to a High School Function EVER AGAIN . . .
P.S. I will post a picture later of how pretty I looked in my Dress :)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Mourning the End of Ballroom. . .and Praying None of the Guys from Class Find This . . .

Long-anticipated, today was the final day of Spring 2012 Tuesday-Thursday classes.  While this was overall a day of celebration -- it being the very last day EVER that Kaitin and I had to attend creative arts, and likewise the end of mine and Felicia's stats class -- I'm having a moment of mourning for the end of ballroom. 
If I'm to be completely honest, I have to acknowledge that this mourning is centered around my not being able to see the attractive guys in my ballroom class twice a week anymore.  Yes, I'll miss learning the various social dances for the sake of learning them (Adam is an awesome teacher!), but mostly, I'm just going to miss the people., boys.  I'll miss doing crazy steps I hadn't learned yet with Kyle, wondering what on earth Josh was doing and trying to figure out what was wrong with me when I couldn't follow the best dancer in the class, laughing with Chris, talking about random stuff with Trent, looking like an idiot pretending to be a man while in a skirt (long story. . .) and mostly, flirting with Cameron and him flirting back and for him simply being the first guy to take any notice of me in awhile (he-who-need-not-be-named doesn't count!).
Having completed the full semester of ballroom (instead of dropping out like half the class. . .), I can now fudge my way through a variety of social dances, and I feel safe saying I'm well on my way to mastering the art of flirting while still managing to follow my partner's leads.  It makes me feel very accomplished :)
And, on a random note. . .I had no idea how loved I was until I read the last two blogs posts.  To continue the expressing-appreciation-over-the-blog-even-though-we-all-live-in-the-same-apartment trend . . . thanks guys! 
Just realized that I'm anonymous and the guys from ballroom will never know it was me posting,
Allerednic Jane

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Counting the days

Holy cow!! The year went by so fast . . . although I've been counting down the days for a while. There is only one week left of class . . . only one week!! Then finals and moving . . . As in Felicia's post she, Andrea and I are going to be living together for the summer and Jane will be going back home . . . we will miss her, it will feel sort of strange without her there . . . She is the most responsible of the three of us. There are however people I won't miss . . . I'm not going to name names but . . . yeah.
Any how just thought I should post before dead week here on campus . . .
                                                                      Moving For The Win

Friday, April 20, 2012

Wow. It's been awhile.

So I don't think we've been very good about the whole "ya let's get a blog it will be fun". It's totally fun, except we never update it. Ya, awesome! Haha.Good thing probably no one reads this. ;) But I figured as this school year was soon coming to an abrupt close that I would write a little something. It seems like this semester has gone by so quickly. It has been crazy insane. I have made some new incredible life long friends, and there have been a lot of awesome wonderful memories and things I will deffinately never forget. There have also been some rough times and some stress. But what's life without a little challenge? Andrea, Kaitlin and I will be partying it up this summer as we stay up here close to campus. Jane, sadly, will be leaving us for the summer to go home. We will miss her so much, and I'm sure I'm not wrong by saying that are group will feel quite incomplete without her here. But she gets to go home where the food and living are free, and that I envy. The school year has just flown, especially this semester, while at the same time August feels like it was ages ago. I feel like I've known Jane and Andrea for years when we haven't even known each other for a full year. Life gets strange the older you get. On Sunday I will be 19 and the closer it gets to that day the more I begin to realize that I'm growing up. We all are. We are in college! Which still seems so weird to me. Soon we will be getting married and then having kids. All things I'm super excited for but up until now seemed a distant dream. Now it seems very realistic and just around the corner. I'm still not sure how I feel about that. In a way, I'm scared. This year has been absolutley incredible and one of the best experiences I've ever had. I'm so glad I've met such wonderful people, and I'm so excited to continue the adventure. :)
                                                                 Best of Wishes -Felicia

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Broken Chins and Seizing Friends

What an adventure! Over spring break Felicia, Kaitlin, Jane, and I went Ice Skating with some friends back home. It was a joyful experience...kind of. We were doing just fine for about an hour just skating around, talking, and having a good time, That is until Jane, Felicia and I notice that Kaitlin has tripped and split her chin on the Ice. So we go with the person who works there to get a band-aid and stuff and we are sitting there just fine. I am sitting by Felicia's friend Megan and suddenly she starts to shake and move funny and I was super confused until it gets worse and then I move and we realize...oh she is having a seizure... She apparently doesn't like the sight of blood and faints and has siezures when she's around it. Moral of the Story if you don't like blood don't go into a little room with a friend who is bleeding.
Not sure whether to laugh or be shocked,

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Sparkly Men . . . Not for me

The other day we watched Breaking Dawn . . . and I know what you're thinking a bunch of giggly girls watching the most cliche vampire trilogy ever . . . well the whole sparkling thing is not all that cliche, but anyway . . . that would be wrong. Felicia and I have this thing where we sit and make fun of it through out the entire movie, let me tell you it's the ONLY way to watch those awful things. And it is funny, I think we laughed through the whole thing . . . Although they did a good job making Kristen Stewart look anorexic . . . Haha . . . then they blew her up like a balloon . . .
                                                          -Laughing Hysterically Kaitlin 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Your Eyes Are as Blue as the Toilet Water at Home

Oh the season of cheesy romantic gestures has finally approached, some being a little less romantic than others. I hate Valentine's Day. And it has nothing to do with the fact that my boyfriend is far away teaching people how to save their souls. I just think it is the stupidest holiday ever. So much so that Kaitlin and I have created the tradition of hanging anti-love poems about. They include the following. Read and enjoy! :)

Love is like . . .
. . . garbage, we all have some but it still stinks.
. . . a cemetary, there are only certain days of the year you should celebrate it.
. . . a pug, some people think it's cute but most think it's an ugly flat-faced dog.
. . . skydiving, it's all great until you hit the bottom without your parachute.
. . . a freeway, occasionally you get side swept by a jerk.
. . . trashbags, all your crap gets thrown in it.
. . . a bouncy ball, it has it's highs and lows and gets thrown around a lot.
. . . a bus, it gets you where you need to go as long as you don't mind all the smelly people along the way.
. . .text messaging, super convenient but highly misinterpreted.
. . .the stairs, you work really hard to get to the top but it's really easy to slide down the banister.

                               -Happy Valentine's Day, Felicia

Friday, February 3, 2012

Elders Quorum Zumba

So if you couldn't tell from Felicia's post Kaitlin, Jane, and I went home for the weekend. My family and I went to the U of U gymnastics tournament and one of the songs they played was All the Single Ladies, that reminded me of Divine Comedy so I went home and I showed my Mom and Dad and Brother a couple of the songs from them. Unfortunately they didn't think they were as funny as I do. Lamesauce . . . but, because I know my roommates will appreciate it I am posting one of my favorites. Elders Quorum Zumba!!! P.S. maybe it will Cheer Felicia up a bit.
                Missing people who understand my humor,

So Lonely :(

I have been abandoned for the weekend :(. Everyone went home without me and now I am very sad and lonely and bored. I'm just sitting here with nothing to do because they all left me. It's really tragic. If only I didn't work then I could go on awesome adventures to bountiful with everyone else. Of course then I wouldn't have money, which in effect would mean I wouldn't have food. And I need my food. So I'm stuck here. Lame sauce. :P
                                                        -Contemplating My Sad Life: Felicia

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Our Brains Hate SCIENCE!!!

You would think being in college we (Felicia and I) would be better about not procrastinating and studying. . . but no, it is 11:07 and we just did all the homework and studying for 2 chapters in one night. Yeah hopefully we don't completely fail this test. It was actually pretty fun, we both found out that our brains hate science, when we were trying to think about a quad, the only thing we could come up with was that grassy area by the Family Life Building. Yeah gotta love studying late at night with the only other person who you probably shouldn't be studying with in your apartment. Oh well, here goes nothing!
              Praying for a Passing Grade,

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Our New Found Sport

So last night I went downstairs to do some laundry. I have this huge basket full of clean laundry and I realize ugh I need to go to the bathroom . . . this happens frequently. So I get to our door, on the fourth floor, and I don't have my key, because Andrea stole it. That's okay though because everyone is home so I can just knock on the door. But as I go to knock on the door there is profuse screaming coming from inside. And no one opens the door. I really really have to go to the bathroom! And all anyone wants to do is scream. The door opens, only for me to find everyone freaking out over a wasp. Fantastic. Attack of the killer bee episode 2. And who do they want to kill this bee? Me. The girl who is allergic to bees. Awesome. Well, Andrea killed it. But this is where our new found sport comes in. Ready for this? Extreme Bee Killing. ;)

Only we would need a cinder block to kill a tiny little bee. But hey she tried everything else and the wasp was apparently still twitching and we couldn't have him partially alive so she grabbed the biggest, heaviest thing she could find. A cinder block. And then of course you have to make sure it's actually dead so stand on it too. It did the job though, that wasp is deffinately dead.

Ding Dong the wasp is dead! The wicked wasp is dead! Bahahaha.
-Still Laughing, Felicia

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Brownies, Home Teachers, and Peach Cake

WE HAVE HOME TEACHERS!!!!!!! It's a miracle! After much longing and waiting and hoping and well, whining we finally have home teachers that come to see us. And Andrea is determined to make sure they come back. Not only did she make brownies she promised peach cake upon their return. Yes, she is available and looking for her eternal best friend. And the way to a man's heart is through his stomach ;). We are super excited for the Joseph Smith Memorial fireside tonight because Elder Holland is coming. He is an amazing speaker. Oh guess what?!?!?! I saw Lord of the Rings finally! Well, only the first two. But I have reached a conclusion about my future husband: he is going to be an elf. A beautiful, fair perfect skinned, blue eyed, blonde haired elf. Wow, I think I just described Nazi Germany. And we succeeded in being semi-social this week as we watched the movie out in the lounge and a boy came to watch with us. Ya not as exciting as you had anticipated but it counts.
                                              Still Waiting for Legolas's Proposal -Felicia.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Confused much?

After 4 years, you'd think his feet would be bigger than mine. Yes, he did try on my heels as a ninth grader, and exclaim, "They fit perfectly!" Four years later, though. . .you'd think that since I've been the same size -- feet included -- since 9th grade, and he hasn't, that my shoes wouldn't still fit. Apparently, he just wears shoes several sizes too big most of the time. . .because his feet still fit in my heels.

-- Jane :)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Felicia's Shoulder Angels

Don't you just love shopping when you don't have any money? We sure do. We went to Smiths today and we found out who influences Felicia in what way. Kaitlin and I are her evil shoulder angels and Jane is (of course) her good shoulder angel. Jane is not only the good shoulder angel, she is also more effective as she was able to help Felicia resist both Kaitlin and I as we tried to convincer her to buy pizza rolls.

Also this week I did something new! I donated blood! It was actually a really cool experience. It is cool to see the blood after you are done and realize that 6 minutes ago it was in your body and flowing through your veins. Felicia won't appreciate this description and probably call me creepy, but it is an interesting thought.

I was just told to write about the mall. It was, in Felicia's words, an epic adventure. We went to the mall on Monday for 'family night.' I don't really remember why we decided to go but when we went to Bath and Body Works we found out they had a 75% off sale going on . . . yeah there is no resisting $1.25 sprays. When we got home we took some pictures of all of our sprays, old and new, from Bath and Body works. It was . . . interesting . . . I didn't realize how much I had. I had the most.
                              -Smelling sweeter than ever,

This is my ridiculously large collection.
This is all of ours together
We also went to Claires Here are some pictures from that store.
 Kaitlin was taking stalker pictures. Also I really like that headband . . . Just sayin'
 Felicia's new facial hair. Sweet huh?
 Our new Friendship Necklaces
 We figured out what is wrong with Felicia...She is an Alien.
 The best part about these glasses, you actually can see through them.
 Jane and Me with Best Friend Bracelets
 Another Kaitlin stalker picture or Felicia being herself?
Cute ducky earrings!!!

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Leaning Tower of . . . BUTTER!

Our apartment is often reffered to as the one that is anti-social. It is a sad but mostly true statement. Although inside our apartment we are pretty opposite. I mean it's a tower of butter! That is like the epitome of socialness right? Haha. Ok maybe not but hey it is the epitome of high cholesterol and that has to count for something, right? Really if I had to think about it I'm pretty sure we go through like a pound of butter a week, maybe more if Andrea is making cookies. There is a reason freshman gain 15 pounds in college and it isn't the lack of walking around campus. More like the lack of butter control. AKA mom. But hey there's also a very good reason I moved to college . . . and it wasn't just for school. Good bye parental authority, hello fattening foods.
                                            -Always hungry: Felicia :)


Haha gotta love Felicia. She always says the funniest things like this title, "what the dozen eggs,"and "Holy Canoles." It's always interesting living with other people and getting used to their quirks. Kaitlin and Jane went home for the weekend so it's basically Felicia and me at home, plus of course Amanda and Hailey. . .but they don't really count because we never see them. Sometimes we hear their conversations though like tonight hearing random things about "when the sperm meets the egg" you don't want me to finish. OH OH OH OH OH!!! I have to tell you my happy news for today! A nice cute RM sat by me in accounting today and he was really nice, I hope he sits by me again :)  We finished the worksheet in 20 minutes and had 10 min to talk :) It was really nice to have somebody to talk to in that class.

People Personality Rant

Six people, six different personalities crammed in a a small apartment. Really? Who in the world thought that was a good idea . . . and six girls, you just know there is going to be drama.  People get left out and its no one's fault but their own . . . just saying, we're here come out and make an effort to be included. We're not going to come to you, 'ya have to do it all on your own . . . this is college after all.
Its sort of hard to deal when personalities don't click . . . Oil and water DON'T mix. I understand that there are people that aren't going to like me . . . and I am way okay with that. I don't care if you don't like me, and here is the reason why . . .  "I don't know you . . . therefore I don't care what you think about me."
I just need to keep repeating to myself . . . "just three more months."
                                                       Full of Frustration - Kaitlin

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Room Mate Agreement Forms :P

I think that we can all agree that living in the same apartment with five other girls can be quite the interesting challenge. But you have to love that awesome time of the semester when are fantastic RA comes to help us "sort out" our differences. It's so exciting to get to make a new agreement form and figure out what we all hate about each other haha. But I have to admit it's kind of nerve racking to have to bring up things that you wish would just work themselves out because you feel awkward putting other people in that situation. You know the one I'm talking about. The one where it's like I'm talking about you in front of everyone but I'm doing it vaguely so that we don't know it's you even though we actually do know it's you and now we are all staring at you intently. Ya, that's not awkward at all. No it's super awkward I was being sarcastic. But you know I have learned that people don't all live the same way. What might seem like home to one just seems chaotic and crazy to another. So my word of advice from all of this. There is no easy way to deal with anything so either forget about it or deal with it the hard way. :)
                                           Loves and Hugs -Felicia

Sunday, January 15, 2012

"A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same." -Elbert Hubbard

Welcome . . . Mwahahaha

Hello. You must be really bored so we hope at the very least that we can entertain you, although you might be slightly confused by the time you leave. Oh who are we kidding, you're going to be super confused. We don't just ride the crazy train . . . we drive it. It is a New Year's resolution to attempt to keep up on this blog. We may fail, we may not . . . don't judge us. Kaitlin refuses to enlighten us with her genius comments of a "depressing" nature. Psh. Whateve. Please stay tuned for the most random comments, stories, pictures, videos, and all around crazy that you will ever experience. We promise not to embelish it . . . too much. So long for now and thanks for all the fish?
                                                 -Kaitlin, Andrea, Jane, and Felicia
P.S. YOU EAT STRAWBERRY YOGURT OFF THE FLOOR! and your house is on fire . . . what's up with that?!?