Sunday, September 2, 2012

Week One: Surviving the Freshmen

   I have discovered that not being a freshmen is delightful for multiple reasons. Would you like to know those reasons? Well, you don't have a choice I'm going to tell you anyways. :)

Reason One: The Look. 
   You all know it, even if you don't realize you do. You're sitting in class or on the bus or at an FHE and a really cute boy comes up and starts talking to you. Hallelujah! You're thinking great this boy has taken interest in me, hopefully he thinks I'm cute. He's kind of trying to get to know you and you are talking not really caring what he's saying. I mean come on he could be from Timbuktu and own an African Alligator and it wouldn't really matter at this point. Suddenly he asks "So, What year are you?", and you reply honestly like the good girl you are "Freshmen". There's the look. See it there? On his face? Ya, he is now thinking "oh, well you were cute, but not that cute". I HATE that look. At least now the word Freshmen will never be used to describe me EVER again. That feels good.

Reason Two: Lost on Campus.
   Last year I woke up three hours before my first class. Since my first class was at nine in the morning this did not please me much. The funny thing is I didn't wake up that early to get ready I woke up that early because I needed to be on campus two hours early to find my class. Yes people, two hours. Call me a nerd but I hate being lost, A LOT. This year I took one look at my schedule and knew where almost every class was. The ones I didn't know about I knew buildings that were by them so I had a map in my head of where to go. You can tell which students were Freshmen on Monday because they were the ones actually carrying a physical map of campus around. Nothing shouts Freshmen more than that map. Boy am I glad to be rid of it. 

Reason Three: The Stupid Things.
   I sit on the bus reading my social work book, yes I did finally get it, and wait for the dozens of students (all clearly Freshmen) to pile on. We all know the buses can get crowded and that you need to move back, lay your backpack on the floor, get to know the person in front of you way more than would please you, etc. Unfortunately Freshmen apparently don't cover this in orientation. Oh, you idiots. It is incredibly obnoxious that I had to wait an extra five minutes just so the bus driver could all yell at you for something that really should have just occurred to you through common sense. Freshmen. Ugh.

   In Conclusion, I would like to clarify. Yes, I sound harsh and I realize I did all of these things. In fact, I was an extremely obnoxious Freshmen I am sure. And I feel for all the little confused, boggle eyed Freshmen on campus. But man am I sure glad it's you and not me. :) Good Luck Freshmen! Just wait, it only gets better from here!
                          -Pleased to be One Year Older, Felicia.


  1. Ohh. .. the look. Am I glad to be done with that period in my life, so very very glad. Now, assuming a cute boy actually does try to converse with me (haha, what a funny idea. . .) I can tell him I am a sophomore! (or a junior, if I feel like it. . .)

  2. Oh, and I want a man from Timbuktu who owns an African alligator to talk to me, especially if he's cute. It'd be an interesting conversation, at least ;)
