Anyhow. . .the real purpose of this post:
Felicia and Andrea (and this other random girl at LDSSA. . .) had this *brilliant* idea yesterday afternoon; they decided that I should ask to the institute dance, the one that's tomorrow (apparently they don't believe in having these ideas farther in advance. Maybe they didn't want to give me time to think too deeply. . .because then I'd realize how crazy the whole idea is?). And. . .I listened. So, now I have a date to the institute dance tomorrow night, and I'm scared. to. flippin'. death. And I have a final for the hardest class I've ever had to do over this weekend, and a 100-point assignment due tomorrow. Dying inside? Yes. Dying outside? Maybe not yet. . .
Wondering whether FCHD 2600 or my date will cause my ultimate demise,
Did you realize you didn't sign this as Jane? Haha, I just wondered...