Sunday, January 29, 2012

Brownies, Home Teachers, and Peach Cake

WE HAVE HOME TEACHERS!!!!!!! It's a miracle! After much longing and waiting and hoping and well, whining we finally have home teachers that come to see us. And Andrea is determined to make sure they come back. Not only did she make brownies she promised peach cake upon their return. Yes, she is available and looking for her eternal best friend. And the way to a man's heart is through his stomach ;). We are super excited for the Joseph Smith Memorial fireside tonight because Elder Holland is coming. He is an amazing speaker. Oh guess what?!?!?! I saw Lord of the Rings finally! Well, only the first two. But I have reached a conclusion about my future husband: he is going to be an elf. A beautiful, fair perfect skinned, blue eyed, blonde haired elf. Wow, I think I just described Nazi Germany. And we succeeded in being semi-social this week as we watched the movie out in the lounge and a boy came to watch with us. Ya not as exciting as you had anticipated but it counts.
                                              Still Waiting for Legolas's Proposal -Felicia.

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