Sunday, February 12, 2012

Your Eyes Are as Blue as the Toilet Water at Home

Oh the season of cheesy romantic gestures has finally approached, some being a little less romantic than others. I hate Valentine's Day. And it has nothing to do with the fact that my boyfriend is far away teaching people how to save their souls. I just think it is the stupidest holiday ever. So much so that Kaitlin and I have created the tradition of hanging anti-love poems about. They include the following. Read and enjoy! :)

Love is like . . .
. . . garbage, we all have some but it still stinks.
. . . a cemetary, there are only certain days of the year you should celebrate it.
. . . a pug, some people think it's cute but most think it's an ugly flat-faced dog.
. . . skydiving, it's all great until you hit the bottom without your parachute.
. . . a freeway, occasionally you get side swept by a jerk.
. . . trashbags, all your crap gets thrown in it.
. . . a bouncy ball, it has it's highs and lows and gets thrown around a lot.
. . . a bus, it gets you where you need to go as long as you don't mind all the smelly people along the way.
. . .text messaging, super convenient but highly misinterpreted.
. . .the stairs, you work really hard to get to the top but it's really easy to slide down the banister.

                               -Happy Valentine's Day, Felicia

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