Saturday, November 10, 2012

It's Not Everyday that the Neighbors are Being Killed, Or is it?

We are "to love and care for our neighbors as our selves." Or so says Russell M. Ballard, but I'm not willing to argue with him, unless you are? However, I'm feeling a little uneasy about the way our neighbors seem to express their love. You see, at least (I say at least very VERY loosely) once a week murderous cries can be heard from through the walls. I have come up with three possible reasons for this. 1. The neighbors have adopted a cow and they haven't learned how to properly milk it and therefore cause her great pain every night or so. 2. There are ghosts in our walls who find it entertaining to relive their gruesome murders while we try to sleep. or 3. (the seemingly most realistic one, although the cow one is pretty good too) Our neighbors express their love in a way in which causes them to scream out in agonizing horrific pain. No, but really if you heard you would wonder if there was a cow over there too. 

                          -Still holding out that there is a cow, Felicia.

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