Friday, January 20, 2012

People Personality Rant

Six people, six different personalities crammed in a a small apartment. Really? Who in the world thought that was a good idea . . . and six girls, you just know there is going to be drama.  People get left out and its no one's fault but their own . . . just saying, we're here come out and make an effort to be included. We're not going to come to you, 'ya have to do it all on your own . . . this is college after all.
Its sort of hard to deal when personalities don't click . . . Oil and water DON'T mix. I understand that there are people that aren't going to like me . . . and I am way okay with that. I don't care if you don't like me, and here is the reason why . . .  "I don't know you . . . therefore I don't care what you think about me."
I just need to keep repeating to myself . . . "just three more months."
                                                       Full of Frustration - Kaitlin

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