Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Attractive Home Teacher and Other Such Adventures

     I figured it's been awhile since anyone has posted anything up, since there was nothing new for October. So, I decided I should put something here, although, I seem to be the only one left keeping the blog alive. Sigh. Oh well.
     So life has been busy as far as know. Of course I can only speak for myself. My friends (cough) got married last week. Beautiful reception for beautiful people. It was great, and I'm so glad I got to be a small part of their happy day. However, the giant poster-size picture of my favorite missionary did make me laugh, but the idea that his mother had of me taking it home made me laugh even more. Sure, I love that boy more than any other but I don't really think I need to express that love by hanging his enormous face in my bedroom (not that I don't love his face). Ya, not such a great idea. And I think Kaitlin would agree with me.
     We have new home teachers. We will leave their names anonymous and call them TMNT man and attractive one. The names seem fitting seeing as one of them is dang attractive and when I first met the other he was wearing a TMNT shirt. *Note to prospective boyfriends: DO NOT wear a TMNT shirt EVER. They were made for 12 year olds and costume parties, no matter how many different sizes they come in. Anywho, the attractive one is, well, attractive. AND he is in my institute class, which I am apparently oblivious because he has obviously  been in there all year and just noticed this week. Ya, a little ridiculous, but that's okay. And he is just so cute! I mean way way adorable. Sigh. I will get over this. But maybe after a little bit of good ol' facebook stalking?
     Oh! There was an institute dance this week. Super fun as always! AND more attractive boys. Oh, don't they make the world go round? Plus I got to dance with two very nice young gentleman who both very well knew how to dance. And can I say nothing makes a girl swoon more than a guy who can make her feel like a princess by waltzing. I'm not sure there is a more attractive dance out there. And I got to Cha-Cha. Although, I'm thinking that dance was more fun for Jane and Andrea to watch then it was for me to do (I'm not very good at the Cha-Cha). However, the guy that asked me to dance was in my ballroom class last year and a very patient man. He probably regrets asking me though haha, but I still had fun and I'm glad he did.
     Andrea and I have made it our goal to go to the temple every Wednesday. We haven't been doing totally awesome with this goal, but we've been doing alright. So, this last Wednesday like usual Andrea comes in to wake me up to go to the temple at 7 A.M. (I know early). Except she decides she is tired and lies down beside me mumbling something about cuddling with me. Meh, whatever, trust me not the strangest thing she has ever done, but definitely something worth sharing with the rest of you. Oh, and don't worry, we did get up and go to the temple. : )
     Anywho, I believe that is all you need to know to be up to date on everything college for me. At least all the things worth knowing. Thanks for expanding your attention span to the size of this post, I appreciate the effort. : )
                     -totally facebook stalking him right now, Felicia.


  1. Should I know what TMNT stands for? And waltzing is the most attractive dance ever. . .and, also, it is good you didn't bring poster-Nate home, because I'm pretty sure Kaitlin would've bought darts to throw at his face :)

  2. TMNT-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
