Sunday, March 17, 2013

Just a Little Thing Called Life

Well things have been going. I turned in my application to the social work program. That was stressful, but now it's just a waiting game. Andrea got her mission call. I would love to tell you where she is going but she might want to write about that. MIGHT being a big word. I went to Colorado, that was a disaster. My best friend is married now. So, I can say I have married friends. That's weird. Kaitlin is Kaitlin. She had a rough February but she is strong. Jane is Jane and as far as I know she isn't dead. ;) We are all just moving along. The semester is almost over! I can't believe it. It seems like it just started and we only have little more than a month left before it's done. Honestly, though, I can not wait for it to be summer. I have so many adventures ahead of me this summer and I'm dying for it to be warm. I can't believe I'm saying it but I WANT TO GO SWIMMING! I miss warm weather and good water.
                         -Excited for the sun to peak out, Felicia.

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