Thursday, April 26, 2012

Mourning the End of Ballroom. . .and Praying None of the Guys from Class Find This . . .

Long-anticipated, today was the final day of Spring 2012 Tuesday-Thursday classes.  While this was overall a day of celebration -- it being the very last day EVER that Kaitin and I had to attend creative arts, and likewise the end of mine and Felicia's stats class -- I'm having a moment of mourning for the end of ballroom. 
If I'm to be completely honest, I have to acknowledge that this mourning is centered around my not being able to see the attractive guys in my ballroom class twice a week anymore.  Yes, I'll miss learning the various social dances for the sake of learning them (Adam is an awesome teacher!), but mostly, I'm just going to miss the people., boys.  I'll miss doing crazy steps I hadn't learned yet with Kyle, wondering what on earth Josh was doing and trying to figure out what was wrong with me when I couldn't follow the best dancer in the class, laughing with Chris, talking about random stuff with Trent, looking like an idiot pretending to be a man while in a skirt (long story. . .) and mostly, flirting with Cameron and him flirting back and for him simply being the first guy to take any notice of me in awhile (he-who-need-not-be-named doesn't count!).
Having completed the full semester of ballroom (instead of dropping out like half the class. . .), I can now fudge my way through a variety of social dances, and I feel safe saying I'm well on my way to mastering the art of flirting while still managing to follow my partner's leads.  It makes me feel very accomplished :)
And, on a random note. . .I had no idea how loved I was until I read the last two blogs posts.  To continue the expressing-appreciation-over-the-blog-even-though-we-all-live-in-the-same-apartment trend . . . thanks guys! 
Just realized that I'm anonymous and the guys from ballroom will never know it was me posting,
Allerednic Jane

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Counting the days

Holy cow!! The year went by so fast . . . although I've been counting down the days for a while. There is only one week left of class . . . only one week!! Then finals and moving . . . As in Felicia's post she, Andrea and I are going to be living together for the summer and Jane will be going back home . . . we will miss her, it will feel sort of strange without her there . . . She is the most responsible of the three of us. There are however people I won't miss . . . I'm not going to name names but . . . yeah.
Any how just thought I should post before dead week here on campus . . .
                                                                      Moving For The Win

Friday, April 20, 2012

Wow. It's been awhile.

So I don't think we've been very good about the whole "ya let's get a blog it will be fun". It's totally fun, except we never update it. Ya, awesome! Haha.Good thing probably no one reads this. ;) But I figured as this school year was soon coming to an abrupt close that I would write a little something. It seems like this semester has gone by so quickly. It has been crazy insane. I have made some new incredible life long friends, and there have been a lot of awesome wonderful memories and things I will deffinately never forget. There have also been some rough times and some stress. But what's life without a little challenge? Andrea, Kaitlin and I will be partying it up this summer as we stay up here close to campus. Jane, sadly, will be leaving us for the summer to go home. We will miss her so much, and I'm sure I'm not wrong by saying that are group will feel quite incomplete without her here. But she gets to go home where the food and living are free, and that I envy. The school year has just flown, especially this semester, while at the same time August feels like it was ages ago. I feel like I've known Jane and Andrea for years when we haven't even known each other for a full year. Life gets strange the older you get. On Sunday I will be 19 and the closer it gets to that day the more I begin to realize that I'm growing up. We all are. We are in college! Which still seems so weird to me. Soon we will be getting married and then having kids. All things I'm super excited for but up until now seemed a distant dream. Now it seems very realistic and just around the corner. I'm still not sure how I feel about that. In a way, I'm scared. This year has been absolutley incredible and one of the best experiences I've ever had. I'm so glad I've met such wonderful people, and I'm so excited to continue the adventure. :)
                                                                 Best of Wishes -Felicia