Thursday, February 23, 2012

Sparkly Men . . . Not for me

The other day we watched Breaking Dawn . . . and I know what you're thinking a bunch of giggly girls watching the most cliche vampire trilogy ever . . . well the whole sparkling thing is not all that cliche, but anyway . . . that would be wrong. Felicia and I have this thing where we sit and make fun of it through out the entire movie, let me tell you it's the ONLY way to watch those awful things. And it is funny, I think we laughed through the whole thing . . . Although they did a good job making Kristen Stewart look anorexic . . . Haha . . . then they blew her up like a balloon . . .
                                                          -Laughing Hysterically Kaitlin 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Your Eyes Are as Blue as the Toilet Water at Home

Oh the season of cheesy romantic gestures has finally approached, some being a little less romantic than others. I hate Valentine's Day. And it has nothing to do with the fact that my boyfriend is far away teaching people how to save their souls. I just think it is the stupidest holiday ever. So much so that Kaitlin and I have created the tradition of hanging anti-love poems about. They include the following. Read and enjoy! :)

Love is like . . .
. . . garbage, we all have some but it still stinks.
. . . a cemetary, there are only certain days of the year you should celebrate it.
. . . a pug, some people think it's cute but most think it's an ugly flat-faced dog.
. . . skydiving, it's all great until you hit the bottom without your parachute.
. . . a freeway, occasionally you get side swept by a jerk.
. . . trashbags, all your crap gets thrown in it.
. . . a bouncy ball, it has it's highs and lows and gets thrown around a lot.
. . . a bus, it gets you where you need to go as long as you don't mind all the smelly people along the way.
. . .text messaging, super convenient but highly misinterpreted.
. . .the stairs, you work really hard to get to the top but it's really easy to slide down the banister.

                               -Happy Valentine's Day, Felicia

Friday, February 3, 2012

Elders Quorum Zumba

So if you couldn't tell from Felicia's post Kaitlin, Jane, and I went home for the weekend. My family and I went to the U of U gymnastics tournament and one of the songs they played was All the Single Ladies, that reminded me of Divine Comedy so I went home and I showed my Mom and Dad and Brother a couple of the songs from them. Unfortunately they didn't think they were as funny as I do. Lamesauce . . . but, because I know my roommates will appreciate it I am posting one of my favorites. Elders Quorum Zumba!!! P.S. maybe it will Cheer Felicia up a bit.
                Missing people who understand my humor,

So Lonely :(

I have been abandoned for the weekend :(. Everyone went home without me and now I am very sad and lonely and bored. I'm just sitting here with nothing to do because they all left me. It's really tragic. If only I didn't work then I could go on awesome adventures to bountiful with everyone else. Of course then I wouldn't have money, which in effect would mean I wouldn't have food. And I need my food. So I'm stuck here. Lame sauce. :P
                                                        -Contemplating My Sad Life: Felicia

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Our Brains Hate SCIENCE!!!

You would think being in college we (Felicia and I) would be better about not procrastinating and studying. . . but no, it is 11:07 and we just did all the homework and studying for 2 chapters in one night. Yeah hopefully we don't completely fail this test. It was actually pretty fun, we both found out that our brains hate science, when we were trying to think about a quad, the only thing we could come up with was that grassy area by the Family Life Building. Yeah gotta love studying late at night with the only other person who you probably shouldn't be studying with in your apartment. Oh well, here goes nothing!
              Praying for a Passing Grade,