Sunday, May 27, 2012


Well, I have officially moved in. Well actually I moved in a few weeks ago . . . but thats besides the point. In case you are all wondering, we have found the solution to our boring white walls. We started a quote wall. It is pretty sad at the moment but as we are always saying odd or funny things I am pretty sure it will become pretty impressive. On another note I think there is something wrong with Felicia and I. The other night we were watching a movie you know just enjoying the night when our door opens and two boys step in. Do we know these boys? No. Well not as far as we know because they are completely covered in black body suits that are over their faces. Do they say anything? No. They just come in and sit down and start watching for a few minuts. Do we do anything about this? Yes, We just laugh. Somehow I don't think this is the proper reaction when two strange men walk into our apartment. It's a college town, that makes it all better right?
Not sure whether to keep laughing or call 911

Sunday, May 6, 2012

New Apartment

Alright so this will be mine and Felicia's second night in our new place, Andrea will be joining us in a week and Jane in the fall.
It's kind of strange, the first week at Apt. 402 felt like living in a hotel, lots of stairs and card keys. Living here kind of feels like someone else's house. But we'll get used to it . . .
Not the same without Andrea but the week will pass quickly enough. And of course we will miss Jane, but Summer tends to pass quickly, soon we'll all be roommates again.
I think I'm going to miss the beige walls of Apt. 402, white is a little too bland for the girls for Apt. 402 . . . although beige is bland too just not as much as white . . . Oh well.
I think it's time to wake Felicia from her nap.
                                                                                                                            ~ Kaitlin

Pictures from Prom

                                                             I gave up on trying to organize them. . . just so you know.



Jane and Me :)

Krystal  :)

Feeling a Little Out of Place...

Just so you know. . .This is going to be really scattered . . .
So . . . I am feeling a little out of place in more ways than one! I am home and it is super nice but really weird, and yesterday I felt more than a little out of place as I went to Prom . . . Prom is for high schoolers not people who have just finished their first year of college! It was actually surprisingly fun. I knew a lot of the people who were in my group and Dinner was really fun. . . except the fact that they fed us steak . . . Steak is gross. Everybody made fun of my facial expressions. Felicia I think you would like those people. They made fun of me just like you do. Before the Dance we had our day activity with a different group who I didn't really know anybody except Ty . . . and he is one of the people who I was not sad that I would never see again when I graduated last year. His poor date was so sweet thought. She was like He is a good guy . . . I just need to work on my patience. She is a saint. I wouldn't have been able to do that.
After the Day activity Krystal and Melanie and Jane came over to help me get ready. Jane arrived just in time. I was trying to put my dress on and I couldn't zip it up when Jane came right in time to zip me up and watch me do my makeup before Krystal got there to do my  hair. She is a genius with hair! Melanie and I had tried to curl my super short hair before and it didn't work. But Krystal did it and she brought a pretty crown thing. I felt like a princess in my Dress (Lavender Ice) and my hair curly and with a tiara!
Finding that Dress was a miracle too though! I moved home on Friday and I tried on my old Prom Dress and well lets just say there is more of me to love now than there was for my Jr. year prom so I had to go on a massive hunt for a dress to wear. I texted everybody and Krystal gave me the idea that I could go to the dress garden they might have something I could wear for the night. So I asked Jane to go with me to try on dresses . . . my dad offered to go but . . . yeah I don't think he would have been much help trying on dresses . . . yeah. Anyways Jane and I went to the Dress Garden and the ladies there were super good about helping me and stuff. We found a dress that was able to be poofed out a little and I borrowed some platform high heels that made me about as tall as Jane . . . it was weird to be able to look her in the eyes. We got some jewelry and we were done in about an hour! It was kinda fun to be able to try on pretty dresses again. And the lady there told me how un high strung we were compared to the brides taht she makes wedding dresses for and Jane and I had to laugh about how it was more likely that we would be one of those brides that it was that we would need a regular prom dress ever again.
The dance itself was super weird and awkward. NOBODY DANCES!!!!!!! I kept on thinking . . . I need Felicia! She would dance with me. :( Felicia wasn't there and it was really sad. I miss her. . . and Kaitlin . . . but yeah and I ran into this one girl who is really obnoxious and asked me if I was still dating Bentley, while I was on a date with somebody else . . . someone needs to teach her how to be more tactful. Overall it was pretty fun but I am never doing anything like that ever again. I will stick to college dances . . . at the institute . . . with music that is not bad . . . and Felicia, Kaitlin, and Jane. They are such great roommates and I am so glad that I have been able to get to know them. Echoing a post from Felicia I feel like I've know Kaitlin and Felicia for forever and really it hasn't been that long at all. Thanks for a great year guys! I love you all!
      Never going to a High School Function EVER AGAIN . . .
P.S. I will post a picture later of how pretty I looked in my Dress :)