Friday, June 15, 2012

The Most Random Life Updates

So we really are absolutely terrible at updating this blog . . . but it's still kinda fun to go vent to the internet when you are bored. Teehee ;) Don't worry I'm not going to vent . . . well maybe just a teeny bit. So the last little while has been significantly insignificant really. I conquered my fear of water this month. Woot! It only took 19 years. This occurance was the result of two things. 1. The cute boys from across the street dragging me into a pool and me not wanting to look like an idiot who thinks she is allergic to water. 2. Wake boarding at Lake Mead with my favorite family, The Murri's :). They do have a talent of making me do things that bring me out of my comfort zone. Speaking of wake boarding. I now have a ginormous bruise on my arm that people can't seem to stop poking. It's a really nasty looking bruise that's about the size of a softball. I got it from wake boarding. But, if anybody asks I'm in a gang and got in a bad rumble ;). This last week our toilet seat broke. Really random right? Well I did promise randomness. Not sure how it broke but it did. Like it cracked all the way through. No fat jokes please. Haha. Andrea got a new job which is super exciting for her. Sad for me, I'm not gonna have a friend at work for a whole month. :(. But I'm super happy for her. Kaitlin started school, it's kinda weird not having her around during the day. Especially since Andrea and I go to work shortly after she gets home so we really only see her at night. I have a feeling this summer is going to last forever. Last month, May, seemed to go on forever. I'm hoping that it goes fast but I doubt it will. I got into English 2010!! Which is like a miracle because it is the most desired class, I swear. Dylan left for his mission. For that matter everyone is leaving for their missions haha. Our old room mate from 402 is getting married tomorrow. I don't think any of us are attending the reception haha. But good for her and I wish them both luck. I really like our new ward, of course I can't speak for Andrea, but I think it's fun. Well, today is friday and that means the week is already looking up! That's life right now, I hope you enjoyed the dullness we brought to yours ;).
                                                    - Love Always, Felicia.